Black Beauty - jQuery Gallery
I definitely did not to want a lightbox plugin on my site and so I ended up writing my own gallery.
I really just needed a way to show images, no iframes or flash like other plugins do. The name is, what I just learned after I chose it, a name of a horse in a movie, but could also be a good name for a cow or a picture gallery. It is not that much a difference to a lightbox, it is basically a black fullscreen page layered over the page and has thumbs below the big picture to switch between the images of a collection. I saw a similar one on Google+. It is very alpha, has not much functionality and I had not the time to test it in many browsers, only Safari and Chrome… I will share the code when the gallery is a little bit more grown up…
- Easy setup, just include links to the images and write $(“a.yourlinkclass”).blackbeauty()
- Does not break when scrolling or resizing
Things I will eventually work on by relevance…
- check if there is only one image in the collection and then hide the thumbs
- scrolling or resizing when too many thumbs for screen width
- Description, title…
- more flexible setup with some options
- video support
- check browser support and pad support
- maybe slide support for touch devices
You can check out a demo at the frontpage when clicking on an image…