
New Version of the iPhone App "Surf is Up!"

I just updated the iPhone App “Surf is up!”. The aim of the app is that users share pictures of their surf sessions to the website In the first version of the app, you only could submit pictures from the place where you took the picture, and users complained that this is often too expensive when traveling abroad to surf. Maybe that is why we got many pics of dogs in california, grandmas watching TV in India or hospitals in Taiwan, but very little surfing pics ;)

With the new version you can take as many pictures as you like and the place and time is saved. That way you can submit the pics later via WiFi and the Timeline is still correct. There is also a progress bar so that you can check how long your upload will take and you can also post your content to your Facebook wall while submitting, to share it with your FB friends…

So, if you like, download the app and post cool moments and surf sessions!

Available from 3/2025