
Objective-C C++ C macOS DSP

Vizzdom - macOS System Audio Spectrum Analyzer and EQ

Vizzdom is a little tool for macOS that lets you see the frequency spectrum, RMS and peak level of your system audio. It includes a small driver that you can also use to record your system audio in Garageband, Ableton, Logic, QuickTime etc. and a 10 band parametric EQ with AutoEq import for headphone settings.


Vizzdom Analyzer with EQ
macOS (ver. 1.28)


This is very alpha-ish personal software. It works flawlessly on my M1 Macbook but your mileage may vary ✌️


1.28 (7/2024)

  • Hopefully fixed an issue where the audio would start to crackle after a while.

1.27 (6/2024)

  • The automatic driver install had stopped working at some point, sorry - please reopen the app after installing the driver!

1.26 (6/2024)

  • Calm down spectrum view a little bit

1.25 (5/2024)

  • Fix a bug where the app would pick the mic input

1.24 (5/2024)

  • Detect audio device changes automatically
  • Fill the spectrum graph
  • Energy save in background

1.21 (5/2024)

  • Added a 10 Band EQ and AutoEq import

1.10 (5/2022)

  • release signed by Apple

1.0 (8/2018)

  • Initial release


macOS 15 (Sequioia)

Sadly the app stopped working in macOS 15. Sometimes you just need to wait - did not do anything and works for me running 15.3 🥳

How to install

  1. Download and open - if you like to use the analyzer or eq, you need to grant microphone access when asked
  2. You should see an “Install Driver” button to install the driver and restart coreaudio
    Install screen
  3. After installing the driver, the app shuts down - please reopen the app and you should see a start button
  4. If you hit start, the app pipes your system audio through the virtual device and you should see the frequencies dance when playing audio 🕺 (not needed for recording)

How to use AutoEq settings

AutoEq is a collection of eq settings for a lot of common headphones to fix some flaws in their frequency response.

  1. First if you have not done already follow the steps to install the driver and hit start.
  2. To use a setting, enter your headphone on the AutoEq website and adjust the profile to your liking. Then select “soundsource” as equalizer app and hit the download arrow. Open the file in a text editor and copy the content.*
  3. In the app click the icon with the plus next to the preset list. Give the preset a name, paste your AutoEq settings and hit ok!

* You can also use “AUNBandEq” as app and copy the values manually - that is the equalizer that lives under the hood!

How to record system audio

Anything that is playing through your speakers or headphones can be recorded after installing the driver.

  1. First if you have not done already follow the steps to install the driver
  2. To record audio, you go to your audio settings and choose “Drivethrough Device” as Output
    Settings screen
  3. Then you can use this device as Input in other apps like QuickTime, Garageband, Ableton, Logic, Cubase, Maschine etc. to record or sample audio coming from anything your computer can play.
    Quicktime screen

How to create your own EQ preset

  1. Enter your EQ settings
  2. Hit the plus icon next to the preset list
  3. Name your preset

If you make further adjustments, don’t forget to hit save. You can also make adjustments and make a new preset from it - just hit the plus button after adjusting.

To delete a preset just hit the trash can when the preset is selected.

How to reset the peak level

Just click on it :)

How to uninstall

If you want to uninstall the driver, simply open the app and choose “Setup -> Uninstall Driver”! The app shuts down afterwards.

I cannot hear audio anymore

If something gets out of sync even after uninstalling, restarting CoreAudio should help:

sudo kill `ps -ax | grep 'coreaudiod' | grep 'sbin' |awk '{print $1}'`


Available from 4/2025